
Showing posts from May, 2018

What is Datareum?

A decentralized online survey market built on block architecture has the potential to solve the above problem by providing secure peer-to-peer access between applicant data. and data providers. The market should contain all the incentive mechanisms needed to ensure its proliferation. We have explained this in our white paper and will soon post a summary in this blog space. What is Datareum? This is decentralized and high quality market data. Data providers get DTN tokens for data transmission. Buyer - pay DTN to use this data. Decentralization ensures the uniqueness and uniqueness of data that can never be erased or duplicated. A more detailed outline of project activities can be found on the project's website. How does the Datareum platform work? To provide high-quality data, a verification channel is created. When channels check their quality, they reach the data market and suppliers are rewarded with tokens. Then the data goes into the data market where prospects can buy it at